Glass Coatings
Helps protect against the environmental contaminants such as Acid Rain, Bird Droppings, Insects, Tree Sap, Hard water spots, Road de-icing materials and UV Rays.
(Mega Trend®)
Nanoskin inorganic diamond class carbon, tungsten steel and Basalt coating is a extremely hard finish, Hydrophobic, anti-static, weather resistant and will shine and protect for up to 3 years. Service with clay bar, light polish and product applied. Starting at $500* 3 Step process to remove swirl mark
(Ceramic Coatings®)
BEST possible swirl mark and chemical resistant product. Offers a high density ceramic layer adding High-gloss, slick-to-touch and Hydrophobic . Protects up to 2 years.
Service with clay bar, light polish and product applied. Starting at $400*
3 Step process to remove swirl marks and product applied Starting at $500*
Swirl Removal
Swirl removal, Clay bar, Deep polish and Carnauba Wax applied. Starting at $350*