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Category: About Car Wash

Your Car and the Rain

Your Car and the Rain

Rain is a necessary and often beneficial weather phenomenon that helps regulate the eco-system and sustain this wonderful planet we live on. The downside of rain is that it has a tendency to abase the average person’s mood, especially car wash owners! This weather provides a quick rinse to your vehicle, which some view as a natural rain car wash, which really highlights why they can ruin a car wash owner’s day! Fortunately, mother nature pales in comparison to the thoroughness and sanitation in which a modern car wash can provide. Below, we outline to you a few important topics revolving around vehicles and the rain!

Advantages of a car wash over a rain rinse

A car wash can provide your vehicle a plethora of added benefits as opposed to a sporadic rain shower. Rain does give your car a natural rinse, this is true, but do you really think a light shower can clean your car as well as a car wash? The answer is an obvious no, and we’ll tell you why!

  • Pro Wash is equipped with high quality soft cloth and foam brushes that methodically wash your vehicle, creating friction which gets the hard to get debris off of your car entirely. Keep in mind, this process is entirely safe and efficient.
  • A huge advantage which car washes have over mother nature, is the ability to carefully cleanse the underbody of the vehicle. Under your vehicle, a vast amount of dust, debris, and salt can accumulate which can lead to rust.
  • An additional advantage car washes have over the rain, is all the extra cleaning benefits they provide. These extra include sealer waxes, foam cloth cleaners, and foam polishes, to name only a few.

Can rain be dangerous to your vehicle?

In certain cases, yes! As rain comes down, it can collect contaminants and pollutants in the air. This can happen in very populated areas due to all the fumes they generate and put into the atmosphere. This type of rain is commonly known as acid rain. Upon ceasing, rain can still negatively affect your vehicle due to the unfortunate fact that as the rain evaporates, it leaves a thin layer of pollutant on your car’s exterior. If you leave your vehicle unwashed after a rain shower, these pollutant’s will only accumulate and leave your vehicle’s finish damaged and increasingly vulnerable to rust.

As we said before, rain is a wonderful aspect of the planet, and creates an abundance of life and beauty for us to enjoy and benefit from. Unfortunately, your vehicle does not exactly benefit from mother nature and her beloved rainfall. With spring being in full swing, and the rain continuing to fall as we slowly approach summer, now is as good of time as any to come on down to Pro-Wash Car Wash and Auto Detailing! If you would like to learn more about keeping your car at tip top shape this spring, check out our blog on the importance of spring cleaning, and ensure your car looks as good as the day you bought it!

The History of the Car Wash

Car washes seem like a staple of American society, due their necessity and convenience. Yet, the car was not always as commonplace as it is in contemporary times, and surprisingly was not a concrete entity until 1914! The first semi-automatic car wash in the United States was founded in 1946, and from there the industry as a whole exploded.  Fittingly, this original car wash was developed in Detroit, Michigan, where they utilized a system of manual brushing coupled with pulleys. Within 5 years, the car washing industry was here to stay, due to their increasing convenience and thoroughness.

In 1951, three brothers conceived the first ever fully automated car wash in Seattle, Washington where cars were pulled through a tunnel and sprayed with soap followed by a scrubbing. This ground-breaking invention revolutionized the way car washes were operated, and led to this way of washing to voraciously spread across the entire nation. Through the 1960’s this automated car wash led to further creations to ensure Americans everywhere had squeaky clean vehicles. Creations such as soft cloth friction, recirculating water, and wraparound brushing furthered the car cleaning process, and become a pillar within the industry as a whole.

Despite the significant growth the car wash industry saw in the 1960’s, the economic downward shift of the 1970’s took quite the toll on the industry. As gas prices rose, profits inevitably shrunk due to more and more Americans being unable to afford traveling via a motor vehicle. By the time the 1980’s came around, the economy took a turn upwards due to the creation of more gas conscious vehicles. With these smaller cars, came the creation of the “Adjust-O-Matic” car wash, which automatically adjusted according to the length of your vehicle.

Today, car washes are more eco-friendly, convenient, and efficient as ever before! Here at Pro-Wash, we utilize the latest recycling filter systems to enhance our environmental efficacy, coupled with using Reverse Osmosis rinse water and high velocity touch free drying. In addition, we use soft cloth and Neoglide foam material to gently wash your car, as well as Simoniz brand wash solutions that clean, shine, and protect your vehicle finish. To learn more about what a modern car wash has to offer, come and visit either our Newmarket or North Hampton, NH locations! Feel free to check out our website at or give us a call at 603-964-7291!

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